Learn about our latest collaborations

  • The Helis Foundation John Scott Center is an interactive gathering space that fosters dialogue and cultivates community. The center presents expansive ideas of heritage and symbolism interpreted through the lens of artist, educator, and humanist John T. Scott’s life, art, and legacy while promoting opportunities that nurture connections, enhance human potential, and drive social change.

    Studio Reciprocity was hired to design a 12-month programmatic plan for the John Scott Center, grounded in the values of the artist: education, collaboration, and justice. Through a three-phase process include community feedback, Studio Reciprocity is currently developing the programmatic framework for the center, to be finalized by mid-June 2023.

  • The mission of the New Orleans African American Museum is to preserve the history and elevate the art, culture, and contributions of African Americans in New Orleans and the African Diaspora.

    Studio Reciprocity was hired to support the professional development of the new leadership team, and to facilitate a series of staff retreats to ground the expanding supporting staff in where the organization had been, where it was at currently, and where it would like to go in the years to come.

    With increased staff alignment, the full team is now able to move forward into growth knowing their role in making that vision come to life. We have supported the team in imagining their impact and provided them with tools to build actionable steps toward that vision.

  • LAND studio is a creative placemaking organization in Cleveland whose mission is to create places and connect people through public art, sustainable building and design, collaborative planning, and dynamic programming. 

    LAND studio hired Studio Reciprocity to conduct a scan of LAND studio’s operating ecosystem. Studio Reciprocity met with nearly 30 stakeholders in order to identify key issues, opportunities, and challenges LAND studio is currently facing. 

    Key findings from the listening tour and scan were presented in a multi-page report to staff and board, giving the organization critical insights into its perception and impact. Our findings will serve as the basis and foundation for LAND studio’s next strategic plan. 

  • Grow Dat Youth Farm’s mission is to nurture a diverse group of young leaders through the meaningful work of growing food. With new Co-Directors at the helm, Grow Dat staff and board were searching for a consulting group that could lead them through a youth-centered strategic planning process. Unlike many organizations, Grow Dat wanted to dream big and bold by committing to a 15-year strategic plan.

    Studio Reciprocity spent a year with the Grow Dat staff, board, and young leaders through 1:1, small group, and full group sessions working on a 15-year strategic plan and 3-year implementation plan. As that project comes to a close, Grow Dat will have the strategy and language they need to propel themselves into the future and sustain their work for years to come.

  • Colloqate Design is a multidisciplinary nonprofit Design Justice practice focused on expanding community access to, and building power through, the design of social, civic, and cultural spaces.

    When Studio Reciprocity was hired, Colloqate’s Portland and New Orleans staff members had yet to meet in-person. The full team was searching for a way to connect both offices through an annual staff retreat.

    Studio Reciprocity was contracted to design and facilitate a three-day retreat with the goals of building community, exploring non-hierarchical organizational structures, skill-sharing, and aligning on a theory of change. The retreat will take place in June of 2023.

  • Writers in Residence teaches creative writing to youth who are incarcerated to empower their voices and assist in their re-entry into society.

    Writers in Residence hired Studio Reciprocity to streamline the grants management process by creating a well-researched 40+ page language bank that outlined the history of the organization, the need, its programs, its vision for the future, and more. 

    Writers in Residence has since used the language bank to onboard new employees, apply for a greater number of grants, and ensure consistent communication across the organization.

  • Zygote Press is a nonprofit community printmaking studio that supports artists through residency programs, studio access, and artistic development in a collaborative environment. 

    Zygote hired Studio Reciprocity to conduct board training after an influx of new board members joined the team. The goal was for the board to get to know one another, learn more about the basics of a board’s general fundraising responsibilities, and to work through any barriers or hesitations they each held around mobilizing resources. 

    Studio Reciprocity conducted a dynamic and engaging half-day training with Zygote Press’ current Board of Directors to prepare and motivate them for an upcoming campaign launch. The team left with a greater sense of connection, alignment, and purpose.

  • New Orleans Airlift forges connections between people, ideas, and cultures through collaborative artworks. Their most well-known project is The Music Box Village.

    When Studio Reciprocity was hired, New Orleans Airlift was going through a major staffing transition. One of their founding artists and the founding Creative Director was slated to move on from the organization in just four months. Studio Reciprocity was contracted to lead their executive search for a new Executive Director.

    Through a four-phase process rooted in equity, Studio Reciprocity provided the organization with a strong candidate pool and tools to find the best path forward for their organization. We not only facilitated a consensus-based deliberation session with all core stakeholders, we also offered an adaptable onboarding template to ensure a smooth transition.

  • 826 New Orleans provides space and support for young people to tell their stories and become published authors.

    Studio Reciprocity was hired to conduct interim grant writing and donor relations support during both an Executive Director transition and a Director of Advancement transition.

    Through a series of onboarding modules, coaching sessions, and ongoing fundraising support, Studio Reciprocity helped bridge the knowledge gap on where the organization once was, how to sustain the org in the moment, and outline where the organization could potentially go with increased capacity.

Studio Reciprocity helped us expand our thoughts and capacity for our organization to understand, plan, and execute our search for a new Executive Director. They helped us build coalition and confidence by guiding us through a clear series of steps we could not have conceived of alone.

Kortney and Brooke brought energy and insight into every meeting and conversation that helped excite the process. They asked questions that guided us to more informed decisions.
— Michael, New Orleans Airlift